Vacances de Nadal
Tot el dia
23 desembre, 2024 – 7 gener, 2025
The English Week is back!! This year is dedicated to Storytelling. We all love stories and tales and who doesn’t like to listen to a good story? During the English Week, our students from preschool, primary and secondary school will be working on the culture and language of English speaking countries, with a special focus on stories, legends and tales.
Despite the pandemic situation, we will be performing theatre plays, dancing traditional songs and eating traditional food as we learn about the most interesting stories of each country. Not to mention the Spelling Bee, second edition, in which students from primary school will compete to be the best spellers in the school.
Unfortunately, we won’t be able to offer activities for the families, as we did in the past, when we had cooking workshops, dancing lessons or Singalongs among others.
Have you seen our decorations in the hall and corridors? They have all been made by our students! We are sure all the students will have a lot of fun this week!