Vacances de Nadal
Tot el dia
23 December, 2024 – 7 January, 2025
In 1998, a quality committee was created, formed by members from the different areas of the company, which took care of defining the Mission and Vision of the school. In order to know and control all the key and necessary processes to develop an educational strategy, the school designs and develops strategic plans every three years, including clear and measurable objectives to introduce changes at the school, involving members of the different educational stages always supervised by a member of the managing team. The results of each process are assessed and reviewed every year.
Through the use of surveys, interviews and marketing analysis, potential improvements are defined and forecoming needs and expectations are analysed. As a result of that analysis, the school defines its value proposition in offering a wholistic education which will allow students to successfully face new challenges.
Every year, the Board of Directors reviews this policy, sets and reviews the specific objectives of it and determines the human resources and the training and material needs required to fulfil it.
The ownership of the school has acquired the commitment to ensure that the policy is carried out, communicated to all those involved in the current review and that it remains available for public review.