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Escola Pàlcam - Secondary
Educational offer:
Secondary Education
Concerted Secondary Education:
Comprehensive Training to Face the Future
At Pàlcam, Compulsory Secondary Education (ESO) covers ages 12 to 16, a crucial stage where students develop both academic knowledge and the personal and social skills needed to tackle future challenges.

Throughout the four years of ESO, we provide an education that prepares students for higher studies, whether in the Baccalaureate or vocational training programs, fostering active learning and autonomy.
A trilingual program to open doors to the world
Subjects in English
We teach Science, Art, Technology, History, Biology, and Computer Science in English.
Second Foreign Language (French)
Introduced in ESO with preparation for official exams.

Dual Diploma
A three-year program starting in 3rd year of ESO, allowing students with the necessary maturity and English level to obtain both the Spanish and American high school diplomas simultaneously.
International Exchanges
We collaborate with schools in the Netherlands, Germany, France, and Italy, broadening students’ cultural and academic horizons.
Innovation and technology at the core of learning
Reinforces knowledge of the natural environment with a global perspective.
Interactive digital displays and virtual campus
to enhance collaborative work and academic management.
Computer Science subject
A subject in every grade, promoting digital competence.
Academic approach and personalized support
ESO at Pàlcam includes an extended curriculum to stimulate cognitive
skills and develop critical thinking:
Study techniques and syntax
To improve the ability to learn how to learn.
Oral and written expression
Public speaking and writing are essential elements of our teaching.
Guidance and support
Through tutors, the psychopedagogical team, and career orientation workshops.
A Path to Academic
and Personal Success

Our students achieve excellent academic results thanks to detailed performance monitoring, with five annual evaluations and strategies for preventing academic failure.

Additionally, they have the opportunity to obtain the Dual Diploma, earning both the Spanish and American Baccalaureate.
Beyond the classroom: activities that inspire
We offer opportunities to complement learning with diverse activities:

Guided Study Hall at Noon : Academic reinforcement and personalized preparation.
Small Group Tutoring : For key subjects.
Sports and Extracurricular Activities : Including Bàsquet Pàlcam, competing in federated leagues.
Cultural Trips and Camps, including end-of-year trips and skiing courses.
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